

On April 19th 2014 between the hours of 2-5 pm 67 Films, LLC  in conjunction with Iron Shadow Cinema and Wild i Productions, LLC  will hold its first casting call for its upcoming feature “Want To Hear A Scary Story?” to be shot between May-August 2014. The film will be comprised of an anthology of short stories each of which will have child actors in lead roles.  The stories will each be separately directed by Matt Green, Matt McGahren and/or Herschel Horton. Note that at this juncture that we are only casting for 3 of 5 stories but do know that those who come out to audition will also be kept under consideration for parts in the remaining stories.  

The audition will be held in Norcross/Peachtree Corners. We are casting for the following  roles: 

The Bike (a bully steals a possessed bike and must deal with the consequences) 

Robbie – boy – 11-13 yrs old (the bully)(will need to ride a bike)  Lead Role

Henry – boy – 9-11 (picked on by Robbie)

Robbie’s mother – 30s to early 50s (multiple lines) 

Bus Driver – 40-55 yrs of age (multiple lines)

Sally – girl – 9-11 (one or two lines)

Store Keeper – 50-65 yrs of age  (one or two lines) 

Skate Boarders – 12-16 (extras for most part – one or two lines for key actor)(ability to skate a plus) 

Middle School boys and girls (will need to be able to react to Robbie the bully – 2-3 actors will have one or two lines)

Security Officers/ police officers (no lines)  

Vampire’s Coffin (a group of kids attempt to rid the neighborhood of a vampire)

Troy –  boy – 9-13 –  fearless hero who leads the quest  Lead Role

Perry – boy – 9-13 – fearful boy who is forced to face his  fears  Lead Role

Johnny – boy – 9-13 – crazy kid who has no qualms messing with the vampire

Olivia – girl – 9-12 – drawn into the middle of this ordeal

The Vampire – eccentric – man or female – any age Lead Role 

You Can’t Scare Me 

Boy  – preteen to teenager – fearless boy who is not sacred of anything but is put to the test  Lead Role

Mother of Boy – mid 30s to. 50

Father  of Boy – mid 30s. to. 55 

Be aware that this a low budget film and thus most roles will be for credit and experience only. We will at a bare minimum to offer lead roles reimbursement for travel expenses. Out of State actors are discouraged from attending as the project may require several rehearsals and shoots and we are not in a position to cover such costs and because we prefer local actors who can meet upon short notice.

Note that if you can’t make Saturday’s audition that we will likely be holding another audition later in the week or the following weekend.

Please at email us at ironshadowcinema@gmail.com along with resume and headshot to let us know that you intend to audition and we’ll send back confirmation as well as directions to get there.

Matthew McGahren, Iron Shadow Cinema